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Juni 28, 2024

IBU Regional Event – Belgian Open Championships Biathlon 2024

Nach dem Erfolg unserer internationalen Biathlonveranstaltung im Jahr 2022 zur offiziellen Eröffnung unseres Herzebösch-Langlauf- und Biathlonzentrums in Elsenborn und unserer ersten Belgischen offenen Meisterschaften im August 2023 freuen wir uns, ein weiteres spannendes Event in diesem Jahr anzukündigen. Vom 16. bis 18. August 2024 wird das OstBelgien-Langlauf- und Biathlonzentrum Herzebösch die zweiten offenen Belgischen Sommerbiathlon-Meisterschaften ausrichten.

Wir sind stolz darauf, sowohl belgische Athleten als auch internationale Wettkämpfer aus Frankreich, Deutschland, den Niederlanden und darüber hinaus willkommen zu heißen. Als IBU-Regionalveranstaltung von der Internationalen Biathlon Union (IBU) anerkannt, ist dieses Event nun Teil des internationalen Sommerbiathlon-Kalenders und verspricht spannende Wettkämpfe!

Wir freuen uns auch bekannt zu geben, dass der Eintritt für Zuschauer völlig kostenlos ist! Kommen Sie und genießen Sie die Wettkämpfe und feuern Sie die Athleten an, während sie auf höchstem Niveau konkurrieren. Eine Bar und ein Snackbereich werden vor Ort zur Verfügung stehen und Getränke sowie kleine Mahlzeiten zu vernünftigen Preisen anbieten. Bringen Sie Ihre Freunde und Familie für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit!

Alle Informationen und das Programm finden Sie unter folgendem Link:

Official Invitation

Offizielle Einladung

Invitation Officielle

Officiële uitnodiging



Cross-Biathlon Fun für alle

Bist du bereit für ein neues Abenteuer, das Laufen und Präzisionsschießen kombiniert? Crossbiathlon ist der perfekte Sport für dich! Offen für alle, egal ob du ein erfahrener Langläufer, Biathlet oder kompletter Anfänger bist, Crossbiathlon bietet eine spannende Herausforderung. Die Teilnehmer laufen mehrere Runden und schießen dann mit Lasergewehren, was es zu einem inklusiven und anfängerfreundlichen Sport macht, den jeder genießen kann.

Wo und Wann?

Begleite uns am Sonntag, den 11.08. im OstBelgien Biathlonzentrum Herzebösch!

Von 9:30 bis 13:00 Uhr

Erste Startwelle: 9:30 Uhr – 5 oder 6 Läufer starten alle 5 oder 10 Minuten

Letzte Startwelle: 13:00 Uhr

• Genaue Startzeiten werden einige Tage vor dem Event mitgeteilt.

Die Teilnehmer sollten etwa 1 Stunde vor ihrer Startzeit ankommen, um ihre Rennmaterialien abzuholen, sich auf der Strecke aufzuwärmen, sich mit der Start-/Zielzone und den Strafrunden vertraut zu machen und das Schießen zu üben (mit zwei Übungsbereichen auf dem Fußballplatz).

3 Minuten vor dem Start: Briefing

Distanzen, Kategorien und Strafrunden:

• 2 km (4 x 500 m), Strafrunde: 75 m

• U12 (2013-2016) und alle anderen Kategorien

• 4,8 km (4 x 1,2 km), Strafrunde: 150 m

• U12, U14 (2011-2012), U17 (2008-2010), U19 (2006-2007), Damen und Herren (2005 und älter)

• 10 km (4 x 2,5 km), Strafrunde: 150 m

• Damen und Herren


Die Teilnehmer verwenden Lasergewehre, wobei jeder Teilnehmer viermal schießt (einmal nach jeder Runde) und jedes Mal fünf Schüsse abgibt.

U12: Schießen mit Unterstützung, nur liegend

U14: Schießen ohne Unterstützung, nur liegend

U17, U19, Damen und Herren: Liegend- und Stehendschießen, in der Reihenfolge: liegend – stehend – liegend – stehend (für 2 km, 4,8 km und 10 km)

Anmeldung und Gebühren:

• Anmeldeschluss: Mittwoch, 7. August 2024 unter diesem Link: Anmeldung

• Gebühren:

U12 – 2 km: 5 €

U14, U17, U19, Damen und Herren – 2 km: 8 €

U12, U14, U17, U19, Damen und Herren – 4,8 km: 8 € (BDE-Mitglieder) / 13 € (Nicht-Mitglieder)

Damen und Herren – 10 km: 11 € (BDE-Mitglieder) / 16 € (Nicht-Mitglieder)

Team-Staffel – Firmenveranstaltung:

• Format: Staffelrennen

• Teams bestehen aus drei Teilnehmern, die den Staffelstab durch Berührung übergeben

• Distanzen: 3 x 2 km oder 3 x 4,8 km

• Anmeldegebühren: Summe der Einzelgebühren (siehe oben)

• Anmeldung und Zahlung vor Ort

Begleite uns für einen unvergesslichen Tag voller Sport, Spaß und Kameradschaft beim Crossbiathlon-Event. Egal, ob du ein erfahrener Athlet oder ein neugieriger Anfänger bist, es gibt einen Platz für dich in diesem dynamischen und inklusiven Wettkampf. Wir sehen uns dort!

Juni 7, 2024

National team line up 2024/2025

The Belgian Biathlon Federation is proud to announce the composition of the national teams for the 2023/2024 season, marking a significant step in preparing athletes for upcoming international competitions.

Projections for the 2024/2025 Season

For the upcoming season, the national team will be divided into several groups based on performance and points scored:

  • Elite Group: Comprising athletes who have scored points in the World Cup and reached the top 40 at the World Championships.

    • Lotte Lie
    • Maya Cloetens
    • Ève Bouvard
    • Florent Claude
    • Thierry Langer

The World Cup team will be led by both François Soulié and Margit Dahl Sørensen.

  • Group A: Including athletes who have achieved 150 points in the IBU rankings.

    • Rieke De Mayer
    • Marek Mackels
    • César Beauvais
    • Julien Petitjacques (Junior)
  • Junior Elite Group : Including athletes scoring top 40 at JWCH or 180 points in the IBU rankings

    • Marine Debloem
    • Sam Parmantier
  • Development Group : Including promising athletes

    • Emma Gross
    • Léa Gross
    • Manon Gabriel
    • Ella Fink
    • Justine Gabriel
    • Elisabeth Schroeder
    • Mauro Fink
    • Antoine Magis
    • Louis Debloem
    • Andy Arens
    • Tom Arens
    • Fynn Langer
    • Noah Soltani
    • Louis Bastin

Objectives for the 2024/2025 season:

For the upcoming season, the Belgian biathlon team has set ambitious and clearly defined objectives across all levels of competition.

In the World Cup, the primary goal is for both the men’s and women’s teams to break into the top 20, which would secure four Olympic quotas, reflecting a significant step forward in enhancing individual performances.

In the IBU Cup, the focus is on enabling as many athletes as possible to meet the IBU criteria necessary for participation in the World Cup.

For our Junior athletes, the emphasis is on personal progression, fostering a strong foundation for the future of Belgian biathlon.

April 2, 2024

Discover biathlon in Elsenborn with LBZ Herzebösch’s initiation sessions!

Have you ever dreamed of testing your biathlon skills? LBZ Herzebösch offers you the unique opportunity to explore our thrilling sport during initiation sessions at the Ostbelgien stadium in Elsenborn. Whether you’re one of our team’s biggest fan or looking for a new sporting adventure, these sessions are the perfect chance to dive into the world of biathlon!

When and Where?

Our initiation sessions will be held once a month on the following dates:

  • May 11, 2024, from 4 PM to 6 PM
  • June 28, 2024, from 7 PM to 9 PM
  • July 19, 2024, from 7 PM to 9 PM
  • August 4, 2024, from 10 AM to 12 PM

All sessions will take place at the Ostbelgien stadium in Elsenborn, the unique biathlon stadium in Belgium !

Unique Experience

During these initiation sessions, you’ll have the chance to handle real biathlon rifles and try your hand at shooting, just like Florent Claude or Lotte Lie. It’s an incredible opportunity to experience our fabulous sport!

Fee Contribution

A fee of €15 per person is requested to cover equipment and organization costs.

Registration and Information

To register or for more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us by email at Spaces are limited, so make sure to book yours now!

Don’t miss this chance to test your biathlon talents and immerse yourself in the excitement of our Olympic sport. We look forward to sharing our passion for biathlon with you!

März 16, 2024

Clement Dumont to leave the team at the end of the season

After two fruitful years at the helm of Belgium’s A team, Clément Dumont has announced his departure from the federation. His tenure allowed the Belgian national biathlon team to reach unprecedented heights, notably achieving an impressive 8th place in the mixed relay at the World Championships in Nove Mesto and a 19th place in the nations‘ ranking for the women’s team.

A positive record

Under Dumont’s leadership, the Belgian team demonstrated significant progress, marking both the minds and the international results. The pinnacle of this ascent was the remarkable performance at the World Championships in Nove Mesto, an achievement that will remain etched in the history of Belgian biathlon.

Reasons for departure

Clément Dumont now wishes to prioritize his personal and professional life, seeking stability after an intense career both on the tracks and leading the team. „A biathlon season is very demanding and restrictive“ Dumont explains, highlighting the difficulty of balancing the responsibilities of coaching with his job as a physio in Chamonix. This self-acknowledged perfectionist has chosen to dedicate himself fully to one project, leaving behind a promising Belgian team.

A lasting legacy

Dumont leaves a Belgian team on the rise, with hopes that the momentum initiated will transform into a solid foundation for training in Belgium. „Belgium can become a biathlon country in the future“ he asserts, confident in the sport’s development potential in the country.

Recognition and future

Philippe Heck, the federation’s president, expresses his gratitude towards Dumont for his commitment and significant contributions. Although his departure is a loss, the search for a new coach is already underway, with the promise that Margit Dahl Sorensen, already appreciated for her skills, will play a key role in the transition and continued development of the team.

Belgian biathlon looks towards the future with gratitude towards Clément Dumont for his dedication and excitement for the coming chapters.

März 5, 2024

Last week of IBU Cup

Obertilliach, March 6-9 – The IBU Cup season draws to a close in Obertilliach this week, featuring a packed schedule that includes an individual race, a sprint, and a masstart 60, this final week is set to be the climax of a challenging season!

Belgian representation

Belgium will be represented by Maya Cloetens and Julien Petitjacques, two of our biggest talents in Belgian biathlon, on the courses of Obertilliach. While the rest of the Belgian delegation competes at the World Cup in Soldier Hollow, Cloetens and Petitjacques have a prime opportunity to excel and conclude the IBU Cup season on a high note.

All races are broadcasted live on Eurovision Sport

You can also follow all the datas on the IBU Datacenter

Event schedule

6 March:

10h30: 15km Individual women

14h15: 20km Individual men

8 March:

10h30: 7.5km Sprint women

14h: 10km Sprint men

9 March:

10h30: 12km Masstart60 women

13h15: 15km Masstart60 men

Season end and well-deserved break

The week in Obertilliach not only signifies the culmination of the IBU Cup season but also the start of a well-deserved break for the athletes. Following this final competition, participants will enjoy a vacation until May 1, when training resumes for the next season.


Oktober 26, 2023

BIATHLON-FUN for everyone

11.11.2023 ab 10:00 Uhr

1.4 km (4×350 m) : Children (2015-2012)
4,8 km (4×1,2 km) : Youth (2011-2007) & Adults
8.4 km (4×2.1 km) : Adults

Open for everyone

Enrolment until Wednesday 8.11.2023: Here

12.11.2023 ab 9:30 Uhr

Belgische Meisterschaft im CROSS BIATHLON
6 km – Junioren
10 km – Senioren

August 21, 2023

Open Belgian Championships 2023

On the weekend of 20 August, a summer biathlon event took place in Elsenborn. The Belgian Open Championships were a great success. More than 60 athletes competed in the official competitions, additionally an open cross biathlon competition took place on Sunday morning.

Lotte Lie and Florent Claude achieved a special success by taking first place in their respective categories.

A big thank you goes out to all the organisers and athletes and to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of this event.

Full Stats

1. SOLTANI Sacha U13 11:09 — 3
2. COHNEN Dustin U13 11:35 +0:26 — 3
3 BASTIN Simon U13 12:06 +0:57 — 5
4. JUFFERN Yannick U13 12:38 +1:29 — 3
5. LANGER Max U13 13:14 +2:05 — 6
6. BONNI Lionel U13 13:48 +2:39 — 7
7. KÜPPER Eliah U13 14:32 +3:23 — 7
8. CHATTLAIN Thomas U11 15:49 +4:40 — 7
9. WILLEMS Lynn U13 16:16 — 4
10. FACHINGER Anna U14D 17:03 +0:47 — 6
11. GOEGLER Johannes U13 17:46 +6:37 — 10

1. REMY Marius U17 16:07 — 3
2. DESCOUPS Bastien U15 19:24 +3:17v7
3. POIROT Walter U15 9:57 +3:50 — 10
4. FINK Ella U15 20:11 — 7
5. GABRIEL Justine U15 21:08 +0:57 — 9
6. SOLTANI Noah U15 21:27 +5:20 — 12 +2min
7. ARENS Tom U15 22:01 +5:54 — 17
8. BASTIN Louis U15 22:28 +6:21 — 16
9. LANGER Fynn U15 22:52 +6:45 — 14
10. ARENS Andy U15 23:43 +7:36 — 15 +1min
11. HOOIJBERGH Helmer U17 24:00 +7:53 — 16
12. DELRIEU Celestine U15 24:20 +4:09 — 15
13. GROSS Emma U15 24:27 +4:16 — 14
14. LANGER Lara U15 25:01 +4:50 — 7 +1min
15. SCHRÖDER Elisabeth U15 26:01 +5:50 — 12

U19-Sen Women
1. LIE Lotte SEN 15:41 — 1
2. MICHELON Oceane U22 16:09 +0:28 — 4
3. BERTRAND Fany U22 16:17 +0:36 — 4
4. BOUVARD Eve SEN 16:31 +0:50 — 4
5. COUPE Camille U22 16:33 +0:52 — 3
6. RICHARD Jeanne U22 16:38 +0:57 — 6
7. MENGIN Amandine U19 16:43 +1:02 — 5
8. BONDOUX Anaëlle U19 16:48 +1:07 — 4
9. BENED Camille SEN 17:39 +1:58 — 2
10. BENED Chloe U22 17:57 +2:16 — 7
11. CORREIA Maêla U19 18:34 +2:53 — 7
12. DEBLOEM Marine U19 19:25 +3:44 — 9
13. GROSS Lea U22 20:41 +5:00 — 8
14. GABRIEL Manon U19 22:54+7:13 — 14
DNF JEANNIER Leonie U22 0 — 4
DNS CLOETENS Maya U22 0 — 0

U19-Sen Men
1. CLAUDE Florent SEN 13:58 — 2
2. JEFFERIES Jacques U22 14:19 +0:21 — 3
3. THIEVENT Lou U22 14:26 +0:28 — 3
4. MEUNIER Ambroise SEN 15:09 +1:11 — 6
5. GENY Edgar U22 15:15 +1:17 — 7
6. LEJEUNE Valentin U22 15:15 +1:17 — 7
7. BROUTIER Remi SEN 15:21 +1:23 — 7
8. GUIRAUD POILLOT Theo U22 15:28 +1:30 — 8
9. PETITJACQUES Julien U22 15:31 +1:33 — 5
10. PARMANTIER Sam U19 15:34 +1:36 — 5
11. BEAUVAIS Cesar SEN 15:38 +1:40 — 9
12. LANGER Thierry SEN 16:09 +2:11 — 8 +1min
13. FONTAINE Paul SEN 16:29 +2:31 — 9
14. POIROT Guillaume U19 16:30 — 7
15. FINK Mauro U19 17:03 +0:33 — 11
16. HARTMANN Birger U22 17:27 +0:57 — 13
17. MACKELS Marek SEN 7:33 +1:03 — 12
18. CRENIER Samuel U22 18:02 +1:32 — 6
19. MAGIS Antoine U19 18:28 +1:58 — 9
20. GÜTTLER Marvin U19 18:54 +2:24 — 11
21. VAN DRIEL Peter U22 21:35 +5:05 — 11
DNS FINK Hugo U22 0 — 0
DNS MAHON Sebastien SEN 0 — 0

Januar 9, 2023

Pokljuka IBU World Cup

𝙋𝙤𝙠𝙡𝙟𝙪𝙠𝙖 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝘾𝙪𝙥

Two Belgian athletes competed in the women’s pursuit race. Maya Cloetens, who made her World Cup debut with a 43rd place in the sprint race, and Lotte Lie, who finished 53rd in the sprint race, were also part of the team. Both of them started with a miss, but the second shot was clear. However, Lotte had 1 miss in the first standing stage and Maya had to shoot twice. In the last shooting both were clear again. In the end both missed the World Cup points (40 best get World Cup points) Lotte was 41st and Maya 42nd.

In the men’s pursuit Florent Claude started 18th. He also started with 2 misses in the first shooting and 1 miss in the second shooting, but then stayed clear in the two standing shootings. Due to his excellent run time in the last two rounds he finished 23rd.

On Sunday the eagerly awaited mixed relay took place. Since 2006, when Thorsten and Pascal Langer as well as the two Santer sisters competed, Belgium had not been able to present a mixed relay in the World Cup. The race went very well from the beginning. Florent Claude shot 0 faults at the start and left the shooting range in third place behind Norway and France. In the 2nd shooting he also remained faultless and went into the last round in second place behind his brother Fabien. On the track he lost a few places and handed over to Thierry Langer with a gap of 36 seconds in fifth position. Thierry was able to leave the shooting range in sixth place, 24 seconds behind, with a very fast first shooting without any mistakes. But then he made a small mistake in the downhill and crashed. At the shooting range he lost a lot of time because they had to give him a new magazine. Nevertheless, he kept his nerve and shot again without any mistakes. Of course, all this cost him a lot of time and he handed over to Maya Cloetens in 21st place, 2:46 minutes behind. Maya needed a reload at the first shooting, but could already make up 3 places. With a reload at the second shooting and a very good running time she could hand over to Lotte Lie in 14th position. Lotte was as usual very strong at the shooting range. Both times she shot very fast without any mistakes and was able to move up to 10th place in the relay. It’s hard to imagine what the result would have been without Thierry’s fall. Nevertheless the best result of a Belgian relay team in the World Cup.

𝙄𝘽𝙐 𝘾𝙐𝙋 𝙞𝙣 𝙊𝙨𝙧𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙚

Here the sprint races of the women (7.5 km) and men (10 km) took place.
Rieke de Maeyer finished 60th in the women’s race, with 3 Italians in the top 5. Only 2 Norwegians were able to get in between.
In the men’s race Cesar Beauvais finished 34th with only 1 miss. Marek Mackels had 5 shooting mistakes (2-3) and finished on 76th place among 97 participants.
Also in the IBU CUP there was a very good result in the single mixed relay on the last day in Osrblie. Cesar Beauvais and Rieke De Maeyer reached 13th place among 24 teams. 🖤💛❤️

📷 VOIGT Fotografie & Design

Dezember 20, 2022

Annecy-le-Grand Bornand & Obertilliach

💯 Our athletes were able to achieve again some great results at the end of the year! ❄️ Here is an overview of the results:

𝗔𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗰𝘆-𝗟𝗲 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝗿𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗱 (BMW IBU World Cup)
Men 10 km Sprint: Florent Claude (26), Thierry Langer (48)
Women 7.5 km Sprint: Lotte Lie (34)
Men 12.5 km Pursuit: Florent Claude (12), Thierry Langer (37)
Women 10 km Pursuit: Lotte Lie (21)
Men 15 km Mass Start: Florent Claude (15)

𝗢𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗰𝗵 (IBU Junior Cup)
Junior Men 15 km: Julien Petitjacques (22), Sam Parmentier (88), Hugo Fink (94)
Junior Women 12.5 km: Maya Cloetens (3), Manon Gabriel (69)
4×6 Mixed Relay Juniors: Belgium (9)
Junior Men 10 km Sprint: Julien Petitjacques (73), Fink Hugo (97)
Junior Women 7.5 km Sprint: Maya Cloetens (3)

After a short break, it’s back to the World Cup in Pokljuka on January 5!

📷 VOIGT Fotografie & Design

Race Schedule

Where and when will the next IBU World Cup race take place?

Where and when can you cheer on our athletes?

Here you can find all races and events we are participating in!

See all events
  • 7 Feb.

    BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon (Nove Mesto Na Morave- CZE)

  • 29 Feb.

    BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon (Oslo Holmenkollen- NOR)

  • 8 Mä.

    BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon (Soldier Hollow - USA)

  • 14 Mä.

    BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon (Canmore- CAN)

Social Media

So close to the top 15..!
@lottislie finished 16th at the short individual in Kontiolahti, starting her season on a high! 🔥

📸 @nordicfocus

#BelgianLynxes #Belgiumbiathlon #Biathlonworld #biathlonfamily #teambelgium

Thierry Langer scores an outstanding 9th place at the individual in @klahtibiathlon ! 🤯
What a race from our Lynx!! 🐾

📸 @nordicfocus

#Belgianlynxes #belgiumbiathlon #biathlonfamily #biathlonworld #teambelgium

13th place for our first ever women relay in World Cup! They were on the top 6 fight for a long time! 🔥🐾

📸 @nordicfocus

#belgianlynxes #belgiumbiathlon #biathlonfamily

14th place for our boys in the men relay! 🐾🔥

📸 @nordicfocus

#BelgianLynxes #Belgiumbiathlon #Biathlon #Biathlonworld #biathlonfamily #teambelgium

Tic tac.. ⏰

📸 @tommeke.jpg

#belgiumbiathlon #belgianlynxes #teambelgium #Biathlonworld #Biathlonfamily

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In biathlon it’s like in most sports, every single athlete puts the team together and only in unison and with a lot of team spirit you make it to the top.

Here’s our current team – Follow our athletes and don’t miss any news.

See all Athletes
  • Thumbnail


    Date of birth : 11.11.1991

    Club(s) : SRHF

    World Cup

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    Date of birth : 24.10.1991

    Club(s) : SC Elsenborn

    World Cup

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    Date of birth : 06.09.1995

    Club(s) : SRHF

    World Cup

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    Date of birth : 17.08.2000

    Club(s) : SRHF

    IBU Cup & Relay World Cup

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    Date of birth : 06.02.1992

    Club(s) : SC Elsenborn

    IBU Cup

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    Date of birth : 18.05.1999

    Club(s) : SC Elsenborn

    Junior Cup & IBU Cup

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    Date of birth : 01.08.2022

    Club(s) : SRHF

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    Date of birth : 18.08.1999

    Club(s) : SRHF

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    Date of birth : 20.03.2005

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    Date of birth : 01.02.2003

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    Date of birth : 14.03.2002

    Club(s) : SC Elsenborn

    Junior Cup & IBU Cup

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    Date of birth : 20.12.2001

    Club(s) : SRHF

    Junior Cup

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    Date of birth : 04.03.2004

    Club(s) : SRHF

    Junior Cup

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    Junior Cup

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    Junior Cup

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    Junior Cup

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    Junior Cup

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    Junior Cup


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    Head coach

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    Coach IBU Junior Cup

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    Technical Director

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